The NBPHE has been working with its new vendor, Prolydian, for several months to bring you access to this new portal. Though both teams have completed extensive quality control, we ask you to "pardon our dust" as we continue improving the portal and adding new features. If you see something that doesn't look quite right or want to provide feedback, please reach out to NBPHE staff at Need technical support? Use the gold question mark icon after logging in to connect to the Prolydian support team or email

Within this site, candidates and CPH can:

  • Apply to become CPH Certified
  • Retake the CPH Exam
  • Update your contact information
  • Track your Recertification Credits
  • Renew your CPH Certification

Verifiers and administrators can:

  • Verify and approve Applications
  • Run Candidate and Certification Reports

We hope you find this portal easy to use. Contact us at with questions.

By investing in your career you raise the bar for all those in your field, professionalizing public health, and helping to create pathways to excellence in public health for all.

Already have a CPH account?

Log in now

Interested in Public Health Certification?

Create a CertCentral account

Interested in Volunteering?

Visit the NBPHE Connect portal